Commercial trucks are the backbone of the Pennsylvania economy. The more often you see a commercial truck, also known as an 18-wheeler; on the roads of the state the better the economy is performing. These trucks transport millions of dollars of goods to retailers across Pennsylvania and the rest of the country. Whether it’s food, clothing, toys, household items, furniture, or any other product; trucks are an important part of the state. They are also incredibly dangerous due to their sheer size and weight. A Beaver truck accident attorney can investigate your case and help you acquire the compensation you deserve for injuries suffered in a truck accident.


Truck accidents can be some of the most tragic in the Beaver area. The sheer size and weight of a truck can do a lot of damage to other vehicles, property, and the persons involved in the crash, including the driver of the truck. Some of the most common truck accident dangers include the following:

  • Multiple blind spots (both sides, rear, and even the front of the truck)
  • Wide right turns that take the truck into oncoming traffic
  • Increased likelihood of rolling over
  • Difficulty stopping at high rates of speed
  • Improperly secured cargo that can fall off the truck
  • Improperly maintained truck or equipment
  • Inexperienced, impaired, distracted, or aggressive driver


If you are ever involved in a truck accident in the Beaver area you need to preserve the evidence as much as possible. This is easy to do if you avoid walking around the crash scene, which could prevent you from walking through fluids or blood puddles. It could also prevent you from moving debris from the crash that investigators will need to examine in order to reconstruct the crash scene.

Another way to preserve evidence at a truck accident scene is to take pictures with your mobile device (smartphone or tablet). These pictures can then be submitted to the proper authorities and even your attorney. The pictures should include the debris field, the damage to your vehicle, the damage to the truck, your injuries, road signs and signals, the conditions of the road, and anything else pertinent to an investigation.

Be sure to speak to any and all witnesses who stopped to check on you after the crash. If they saw the entire ordeal you need to ask them to remain at the scene and speak with responding police officers. Exchange contact information with the witnesses so you can have your attorney reaches out to them at a later date. These witnesses should also write down what they saw so they don’t have trouble remembering the accident months from when it occurred.


Were you or a loved one injured in a truck accident in Beaver or the surrounding area? It’s important to discuss your injuries and the accident that caused them with an experienced truck injury attorney. Call the office of Shenderovich, Shenderovich, & Fishman today at 888-98-TWINS(89467) to schedule an appointment about your case.

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