Everyone makes mistakes in life, but some mistakes can be more costly than others. Making the decision to get behind the wheel while intoxicated is incredibly irresponsible and can be extremely costly. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk driving was responsible for nearly 30 percent of all vehicle fatalities nationwide. 327 people in Pennsylvania alone lost their lives to drunk driving accidents. Drunk driving is a serious offense and those who decide to drive intoxicated should be held responsible.

If you or a loved one were recently involved in a DUI accident, you are likely suffering from injuries, costly medical bills, and a decreased quality of life. The person responsible is likely facing criminal charges, but their negligence should not cost you. You should contact an Erie DUI accident attorney to discuss your options. An experienced attorney can utilize their knowledge of Pennsylvania law to obtain compensation on your behalf. With a near 100 percent success rate and over 170 years of combined experience, attorneys at Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman can provide counsel and representation you can trust in the difficult times ahead.


Driving under the influence is an extremely reckless and negligent decision to make. The danger this decision puts on other drivers is inexcusable. While everyone makes mistakes, statistics show that many intoxicated drivers involved in DUI accidents are either repeated offenders or high-grade offenders. In Pennsylvania, over 70 percent of drunk drivers involved fatal crashes had a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .15 or over. Additionally, of the drivers who were repeat offenders involved in fatal DUI accidents, over 60 percent had a BAC of over .15%.

With over 27 percent of all vehicle fatalities in Pennsylvania involving a drunk driver, the effects of alcohol on safe driving behaviors are clear. However, some might diminish or be unaware of how alcohol negatively affects driving behaviors. Driving with alcohol in the system can have the following effects on safe driving behaviors:

  • Delayed reactions: Alcohol diminishes your ability to react quickly to a situation. With this delayed reaction time, it becomes hard to respond to changes in the roadway, increasing the likelihood of an accident.
  • Diminished concentration: Concentration is a huge factor in safe driving. Alcohol diminishes your concentration and increases the likelihood of distracted driving.
  • Compromised ability to see: While some may not realize while they are intoxicated, alcohol limits your ability to see clearly, making an accident more likely.
  • Lowers judgment skills: An often neglected factor of safe driving is the ability to make a sound decisions. Alcohol negatively affects this ability and increases the likelihood of speeding and other poor decisions while behind the wheel.

DUI accidents are serious matters with grave consequences. If you or a loved one were recently involved in a DUI accident, you should contact an Erie DUI accident immediately. The poor decision-making of another should not put a financial strain on your life. For a free consultation, Contact Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman today.

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