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Six Students Injured In Intersection Pedestrian Crash

An accident near the Pittsburgh Milliones 6-12 school has us thinking about pedestrian safety issues all over the city. It happened last month when a driver, a female student at the school, struck six other students at an intersection near the school. The driver initially fled the scene, but soon returned to the accident site with obvious damage to her vehicle.

Police said that four of the injured students were on the sidewalk and two were on the roadway when they were hit. One of them was listed in serious condition, but none of them had life-threatening injuries.

We are thankful that nobody was killed in this incident, but we know it could have been much worse. In fact, pedestrian accidents often do result in major injuries or fatalities. Have you been involved in a pedestrian incident?

If you need a Pittsburgh pedestrian accident attorney, you can count on Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman to be by your side. They will fight to ensure you are compensated fairly for all of your accident-related expenses.

The Numbers

The latest reporting year for Pennsylvania shows that there were over 4,000 pedestrian crashes, 150 of which were fatal. Here is a breakdown of what was going on when these crashes occurred:

  • 41.4 percent were entering a crossing or right-of-way.
  • 29.6 percent were walking, running, jogging, or playing.
  • 5.2 percent were standing near the roadway.
  • 23.7 percent were other actions.

According to the studies, pedestrians in cities are more likely to be injured in crashes. We know that pedestrians are vulnerable. They have no protection from the force of a vehicle. We often see severe injuries as a result. These can include spinal cord trauma, head, and brain trauma, lacerations, amputations, and major internal organ damage.

The medical costs of these injuries can become tremendous, especially if long-term care is needed in cases of disability.

Will your insurance cover all of these expenses?

These accidents often happen because drivers do not pay attention to pedestrian right-of-ways or when they are backing out of a parking space.

Other times, drivers are distracted by their phones or other devices when they should be watching the roadway.

We often see high-speed pedestrian accidents involving drivers who have had too much to drink. Impaired drivers are a hazard to everyone in and around the roadway.

What You Can Do

If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you need to seek legal assistance. We know that sometimes insurance companies do not offer a settlement that will cover all of your accident-related expenses. We will help you recover compensation for the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income if you are unable to work
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Punitive damages

Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman are ready to take your case when you need a Pittsburgh pedestrian accident attorney. You can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 888-98-TWINS(89467).

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