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Pittsburgh Sports Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one play a sport, we know you often do so to stay in shape or have fun. Whether you play recreationally or competitively, the last thing you expect is to sustain an injury that was the result of someone else’s negligence. Sure, you know there are risks, but sometimes other people do things that are unnecessary and cause harm.

Do you know what to do if that happens to you?

When you need a Pittsburgh sports injury attorney, you can turn to Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman for help. Their team will work with you to secure the compensation you need.


When you play a sport, we know that you take an “assumption of risk.” This means that you are aware that there are inherent dangers when you play, especially when it comes to contact sports. This includes children who play sports. Usually, a child’s parents must sign consent forms letting them know the risks involved with the sport they want to play.

But not all sports accidents are a result of “assumed risk.” Some are caused by another person’s reckless behavior. You cannot predict when those types of injuries. You also certainly cannot predict when someone will intentionally harm you. Reckless and intentional behavior changes the situation completely.

Here are some examples where sports injuries could rise above typical risks associated with sports:

  • When running a track, it can be assumed that a person will get a sprained ankle. What we cannot assume is another runner getting mad and pushing someone because they are losing. This is intentional and can cause harm.
  • When playing football, it can be assumed that a player may get hurt if they are tackled. What you cannot assume is that another player will step on, strike, or kick someone after a play is over with, causing injury.

We hope that clears up questions about assumed risk versus intentional acts. If you are unsure, please seek a qualified attorney to answer your questions.


When we allow our kids to play sports, we trust the coaches to keep them safe. In the US, we have become more aware of the severe consequences of concussions, yet not enough is being done to prevent injuries.

There are an estimated 1.6 to 3.8 million sports-related concussions in the United States each year, with high school athletes especially susceptible to them. If a coach does not keep a player with a suspected concussion out of the game or allows them to play before they are fully healed, they could cause that player long-term damage if they sustain another hit.


We know that dealing with any injury is difficult, especially if it keeps you from working or living your life normally. At Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman, we want to help you get everything back to normal. Unfortunately, that is hard to do if you are facing a financial burden due to your injuries. We want to help you get the compensation you deserve if your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence. This can include coverage for your medical expenses, lost income coverage, as well as pain and suffering damages. When you need a sports injury attorney in Pittsburgh, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling (412) 391-7610.

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Use the form below to contact us regarding your injury, Or call us at (412) 391-7610 to schedule a free case consultation.

The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute client relationship.
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