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Man Charged With Homicide In Vehicle Crash

We know that the last thing anyone at the Washington Health Clinic Outpatient Center expected was that a vehicle would come crashing through on a calm day last June. Unfortunately, that is what happened when Chad Spence, 43, was behind the wheel and driving erratically.

Police say that Spence, a person with a history of drunk driving, slammed into the medical center and killed a receptionist who worked there.

While we do not know for sure if Spence was drunk at the time of this accident, we do know that he has now been charged with vehicular homicide.

At Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman, drunk driving is just one way that people get hurt on our roadways. If you need a car accident lawyer pittsburgh PA who can secure the compensation you need in the aftermath of an accident, call us today.

The Reality

First, we want to look at the latest report for Pennsylvania. The DOT gives us the number for 2017. We see that there were:

  • 128,188 accidents reported
  • 80,612 people were injured
  • 1,137 people were killed

Looking at that list, we see some pretty high numbers. While most traffic-related incidents are not like the ones we discussed above, we know that the causes of these accidents are usually due to driver error.

In fact, the DOT give is a breakdown of the main causes of vehicle accidents across Pennsylvania:

  • 31,051 speeding-related
  • 15,614 distracted driver
  • 14,004 improper turning
  • 9,143 drunk driver

We can see that driver negligence is rampant and dangerous. Regardless of how a driver causes an accident, they should be held responsible for the damages and injuries that are a result of their behavior.

Serious vehicle accident injuries can result in major medical procedures. Consider the following:

  • Catastrophic spinal cord or brain injuries
  • Broken and dislocated bones
  • Severe internal organ damage
  • Lacerations or amputations

The immediate and emergency care of these injuries, which often requires surgery, can run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. These costs do not factor in the need for extended rehabilitation or long-term care. They also do not account for hidden costs like the lost income of the person injured or a family member who may leave their job to care for them.

Will insurance companies make sure all of your expenses are covered in the aftermath of a serious accident?

What Are Your Options?

If you or a loved one have been injured in a vehicle accident that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you can count on Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman to be by your side. We know that you are going through a lot right now, so let us handle the insurance companies and other parties involved.

Our knowledgeable and experienced team will work to secure coverage for your medical expenses, pain and suffering damages, lost income, and more. When you need a Pittsburgh car accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 888-98-TWINS(89467).

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