What is the first thing you think about when you hear of a dog bite or attack? It is not something that most of us think about often or expect, but we want you to know that it can happen to anyone. It seems like we are hearing more and more stories like this one, where a Pennsylvania mother and her 13-month-old baby were attacked by a dog while walking down the street.
In that case, not even a neighbor could stop the dog. Luckily, a passing motorist pulled over and was able to stop the attack. Unfortunately, the little girl was seriously injured. Her mother also had multiple bites and the man who helped stop the attack suffered a serious leg injury after falling on the ice while struggling with the dog.
At Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman, we are here to help when you need a Pittsburgh dog attack attorney. Our knowledgeable and experienced team will work to secure the compensation you need for all of your incident-related expenses.
The Incidents
Dog attacks can be terrifying and devastating, especially for young children and the elderly. Both groups are more vulnerable because they cannot fight back as easily as an able-bodied adult. However, anyone is at risk of an attack when a dog’s owner is negligent and careless in their duties. With the story above, we do not yet know where to dog came from or why it was roaming the street. We do know that it was improperly secured.
Dog owners should always take steps to keep their pets secured on their property. If they leave a fence or door open, a dog can get out and cause chaos. We also know that dog owners should always have their pets leashed according to municipal leash laws. Under no circumstances should a person allow their dog to be around other people or pets if it is known to be aggressive.
You may be surprised to learn that there are approximately 4.7 million dog bites each year in the United States. While most of these bites are minor, there are many that cause serious damage. Dogs have powerful jaws that can cause significant soft-tissue damage. Many attacks require a person to undergo both emergency surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery to repair the damage.
What Happens Now?
We know that the last thing you expected to be dealing with was a dog attack injury. If you or someone you love has been attacked, you need to seek legal assistance. At Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman, we will work diligently to secure the compensation you need. This can include:
- Coverage of your medical bills
- Loss of income if you cannot work
- Pain and suffering damages
- Psychological and emotional treatment
- Punitive damages
If you need a Pittsburgh dog attack attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 888-98-TWINS(89467).