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What Should You Do After A Construction Zone Accident?

We have all been in this situation before – driving on a local roadway or highway and having to maneuver around a construction zone. Roadway construction is important, and most road construction projects seek to increase efficiency. However, while the construction is ongoing, serious accidents can occur. Here, the attorneys at Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman want to discuss what you can do if you have been involved in a construction zone accident. These cases could become complicated, especially when working to determine liability.

Steps to take following a construction zone accident

If you have been involved in a construction zone accident, there are various steps you can take both immediately and in the days following the crash that can help your case.

  • Seek medical assistance immediately: The first step you need to take after a construction zone vehicle accident is to seek medical care for any injuries you have sustained.
  • Make sure law enforcement is involved: Call 911 and make sure the police come to the scene of the crash so they can perform a preliminary investigation and complete the accident report.
  • Gather evidence: Get the names and contact information of any eyewitnesses to the crash. You should use a smartphone or another type of camera to take photographs of any property damage, injuries, causes of the crash, construction zone signage, temporary road markings, and more.
  • Contact your insurance carrier: You need to let your insurance carrier know about the crash as soon as possible. You do not have to go into much detail about the incident initially, but they do need to know that the crash occurred.
  • Speak to an attorney: You need to consider speaking to a Pittsburgh car accident attorney as soon as possible. An attorney will help you obtain and preserve any evidence needed to prove liability.

There may be various parties that could be held liable in the aftermath of a construction zone crash. Sometimes, liability will fall onto the drivers involved. However, construction zones are often managed by construction companies, government authorities, contractors, or subcontractors. These other parties may be held liable if they:

  • Failed to alert drivers of hazards by using adequate warning signs
  • Left equipment in the roadway that could cause a hazardous condition for drivers
  • Neglected to properly mark off dangerous areas, such as unexpected rises or falls in the pavement or potholes
  • Failed to properly mark off temporary lanes for drivers to follow
  • Failed to guide traffic when necessary

Contact an attorney for a free consultation of your case today

If you or somebody you love has been injured in a vehicle accident that happened at a construction zone in or around the Pittsburgh area, seek assistance from an attorney as soon as possible. At Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman, our qualified and experienced team will work to investigate every aspect of your case so we can secure the compensation you need. This can include coverage of your medical bills, lost wages, property damage expenses, pain and suffering damages, and more. When you need a Pittsburgh car accident attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 888-988-9467.

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