Have you been involved in an accident resulting from someone else’s negligence in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania or the surrounding areas? If so, you can file a claim to recover compensation for your medical bills and other such losses from the insurance company of the negligent party who caused your accident. If the insurance company won’t offer a fair settlement or the negligent party doesn’t have insurance, you can file a lawsuit instead.
Be aware that merely taking legal action does not guarantee you will recover the compensation for which you may be eligible. Insurance companies often prioritize denying claims or offering unreasonably low payouts instead of offering victims what they may truly deserve. One way you can improve your chances of arriving at a proper settlement is to enlist the help of a personal injury attorney. A legal professional who has experience negotiating with insurers will offer the aggressive representation you deserve in these circumstances.
Your chances of securing compensation will also be greater if you avoid certain common mistakes victims make after their accidents. Although the specific errors that can influence a victim’s chances of recovering compensation may depend somewhat on the nature of their accident and injuries, generally, you should guard against mistakes that may be easier to make than ever in the age of social media.
Don’t Discuss Your Pittsburgh Personal Injury Case Openly or Post Frequently Online
There are some parties you can naturally discuss your case with before arriving at a settlement. Along with your lawyer, you can usually talk about your case with your doctor (although you may want to ask your lawyer if there are any statements you should avoid making to a doctor that could negatively impact your odds of recovering the compensation for which you may be eligible).
For the most part, though, you should not openly talk about your case until it’s resolved. Even after reaching a settlement, if you sign an NDA, you might also need to limit the degree to which you talk about your accident.
You may already know this. However, in the digital age, some accident victims also make the mistake of posting unrelated content on social media that can give insurance adjusters reason to offer low payouts.
For example, maybe your injuries limit your mobility, but you’re nevertheless planning on joining friends or family on a skiing vacation because you will be spending most of your time resting at the lodge during the day. Perhaps you post about this on a social media page. An insurance adjuster might see this and use this to suggest your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim. While you might know you were not going to be doing any actual skiing, proving this could prove challenging.
It’s understandable if you feel angry and wish to vent online after being harmed in an accident because someone else was careless. You must resist the impulse. By allowing your lawyer to handle all discussions regarding your case, you will limit your chances of accidentally reducing your odds of reaching a fair settlement. For the most part, it’s best to avoid posting on social media when the outcome of a case is still pending.
To learn more about how a Pittsburgh personal injury attorney can help you pursue the compensation for which you may be eligible, contact our team at Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman. We will review your case, discuss your legal options, and offer strong representation. We’ll also answer any questions you may have regarding what you should and should not say about your accident before settling or being awarded damages.