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Overlooked Factors That Contribute to Car Accident Risk

Being injured in a motor vehicle accident is a frightening experience everyone wants to avoid. Thus, you likely strive to exercise control over various factors that could theoretically influence your chances of being involved in a collision. For example, you may:

  • Obey the rules of the road
  • Practice defensive driving
  • Strive to minimize how much time you spend driving on busy roads or during busy times of day

These are all smart decisions. However, it’s worth noting that there are various overlooked factors that can contribute to one’s odds of being hurt in an accident.

Vehicle color is one example. Research indicates black cars are more likely to be involved in accidents than white cars or cars of bright colors. This is because black cars are more difficult to spot on the road, particularly in low-light conditions.

Other overlooked factors that may play a role in your chances of being in an accident include:

Interior Lighting

The next time you test drive a car before purchasing it, ask if you can test the interior lighting at night or in low-light conditions.

Some interior lighting is so bright that it becomes distracting. This can make it more difficult for a driver to pay attention to the road at night.

Dark Window Tinting

Window tinting doesn’t just make it difficult for someone to see into a vehicle. If window tinting is particularly dark, it can also make it difficult for a person to see out their car windows. The harder it is to see out a window, the greater the odds an accident will occur.

Radio Controls and Similar Controls

To the best of your ability, you should minimize fiddling with radio knobs and other such controls once your vehicle is in motion. Doing so could distract you from the task at hand.

However, because there may be instances when you feel you do need to use these controls while driving, you should try them out during a test drive. Although this may not be a “make or break” factor in your decision to buy or not to buy a particular vehicle, ideally, you should be able to comfortably use these controls while keeping your eye on the road and being able to quickly move your hand back to the steering wheel if necessary.

Center of Gravity

A vehicle’s center of gravity can play a significant role in its likelihood of being involved in a rollover or similar accident. Consider this when deciding what type of vehicle to purchase. If you have a family, you may feel you need to buy an SUV or similar vehicle with a high center of gravity. If this isn’t a necessity, though, you might instead be more comfortable driving a car with a lower center of gravity.

That said, even if you account for all these factors, it’s still possible to one day be injured in a car accident resulting from factors beyond your control. In Pennsylvania, you may be eligible to receive financial compensation accordingly.

Review your case with a Pittsburgh car accident lawyer at Shenderovich, Shenderovich, & Fishman for more information about your potential legal options. Get started by calling us at 888-98-TWINS(89467) or by contacting us online.

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