Thousands of people in the Washington, PA area board public transportation buses every day to take them to all sorts of destinations. Whether they are going to the doctor, to school, to work, to run errands, or to a friend’s house they are putting their lives in the hands of the driver behind the wheel of their bus. It can be difficult to trust someone else to safely transport you from one location to another. There are bus accidents often on the roads of Washington for various reasons, including mistakes made by the bus drivers or other drivers around them. A Washington bus accident attorney can answer all of your questions if you were injured in a bus accident so be sure to speak with the team of Shenderovich, Shenderovich & Fishman today.


If you or a loved one is ever involved in a bus accident as a bus passenger you need to follow some important steps in order to protect yourself and your ability to file a lawsuit in the aftermath. The steps you need to take include the following:

  • Remain at the scene. If the bus is not on fire, remain on the bus
  • Speak with responding officers about the accident
  • Ask to be evaluated by emergency responders on the scene
  • Never leave the scene of the crash even though you were a passenger
  • Take pictures of your injuries, damage to the bus, the road conditions and provide them to your attorney
  • Accept medical transportation to the hospital for more testing
  • Do not speak with any insurance company that contacts you after the crash
  • Always speak to a personal injury attorney first


As a victim of a bus accident, you might be entitled to compensation for any injuries you suffered. The compensation could come from insurance companies, other drivers, the bus driver, the bus company, or any other entity that could be discovered as being at fault for the crash that caused your injuries. It’s important to document everything after a bus accident, including any time, missed at work, medical costs, transportation costs, and other expenses incurred due to your injuries.

You will be able to use the compensation acquired from a settlement or a lawsuit to help pay the medical bills from the accident, pay monthly expenses, and continue to put food on the table for your family while you are out of work. If your injuries left you disabled, the compensation can be used to update your home for wheelchair accessibility.


The minute you are involved in a bus accident is the minute you need to start protecting your rights. Request to be medically evaluated on the scene by responding emergency personnel, give a statement to the police, and accept transport via ambulance to the hospital for more in-depth evaluation. You should then call the office of Shenderovich, Shenderovich and Fishman to schedule a consultation about your case at 888-98-TWINS(89467). A Washington bus accident attorney will fight for your rights and help you obtain compensation for your injuries

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